I plan to replace my GL-INET router, which shows signs of age. This really is going to be very useful while on travels. RaspAP has been featured on sites such as Instructables, Adafruit, Raspberry Pi Weekly and Awesome Raspberry Pi and implemented in countless projects. Since then, the project has evolved to include greater control over many aspects of a networked RPi, better security, authentication, a Quick Installer, support for themes and more. I began by prettifying the UI by wrapping it in SB Admin 2, a Bootstrap based admin theme. This project was inspired by a blog post by SirLagz about using a web page rather than ssh to configure wifi and hostapd settings on the Raspberry Pi.
This is what this RaspAP project is about: Which is great and can be used, in combination with the internal ethernet or even additional network interfaces (USB) to create a nice wired/wireless router. Current generations of RaspberryPi single board computers (from 3 up) already got WiFi on-board.